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2020/01/17 アラン・アルダ(Alan Alda, 1936年1月28日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の俳優、脚本家、監督。TVシリーズ『M*A*S*H』でのホークアイ・ピアス役で有名である。 With producer/director Michael Kantor, he cowrote the PBS series Make 'Em Laugh (Emmy nomination) and two episodes of the Emmy-winning Broadway: The American Musical as well as its companion volume. Maslon wrote the American Masters/Thirteen documentary Richard Rodgers: The Sweetest Sounds and is the editor of Kaufman & Co., the Library … 2015/01/20 PBS NewsHour #12840 program information 1:00 am American Masters Sammy Davis, Jr.: American Masters Sammy Davis Jr. was a vastly talented entertainer who strove to achieve the American Dream in a time of racial 3:00

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Essays prepared by the Organization of American Historians: Neil Foley, Historian Appendix C. Chronology of African American Voting Rights-Related Cases . In December. 1872, Lieutenant Governor P. B. S. (Pinckney Benton Stewart) Pinchback of Louisiana succeeded occasion, with the NAACP declining to file suit, the local black Houstonians handled the litigation. thousands crowded into a muddy field for an evening concert and heard Sammy Davis, Jr.; Harry. Belafonte 

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